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At Sandhills we want every child to be involved within Science.

Throughout their education we want children to come up with their own investigation and to carry them out. Within this we would hope children would build on the investigation process where the children: come up with a question that they want to find an answer to, plan their investigation,predict the results,  measure and/or observe, record the results and then discuss and explain their findings in the form of conclusion. 

By being involved within Science, we would like children to use scientific language and skills to help with their explanations. We want all children to gain knowledge in a range of scientific subjects and show progression in these following the National Curriculum Framework, so that our pupils can apply their knowledge and understanding in the wider world.

We take every opportunity to thread diversity and inclusion through our teaching and to reinforce our school values - respect, relationships, responsibility and resilience.



Science is taught weekly and units of work are carefully sequenced  to ensure children have the necessary skills and knowledge to make sense of the next step in their Science learning. Key vocabulary is explicitly taught and teachers use ‘flashback’ opportunities to help children to retrieve key information.

Work is recorded in Science books in the form of labelled drawings, photographs, recorded results, and predictions, explanation and/or conclusions of investigations.

Teachers have high expectations of all children. Appropriate scaffolding may be used to make sure all children can access learning. Resources are also carefully chosen to support teaching and learning.


Science in EYFS

Science is taught as a part of ‘Understanding the World’ (UTW) section of the curriculum. It falls under the Early Learning Goal (ELG): The Natural World where children will learn to:

  • Explore the natural world around them, making observations and drawing pictures of animals and plants. 

  • Know some similarities and differences between the natural world around them and contrasting environments, drawing on their experiences and what has been read in class. 

  • Understand some important processes and changes in the natural world around them, including the seasons and changing states of matter.



Subject Documents Date  
Science Curriculum overview 17th Jul 2024 Download
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