In this section...

The School Day

Doors open - 8.40am for all classes

Doors close - 8:45 am

Any pupils who arrive after this time, should enter via the main office.

Registration - 8:45am - 8:55am

Assembly -  8:55am - 9:15am

Break time -  Y1, Y2, Y3 - 10:15am - 10:35am

                       Y4, Y5, Y6 - 10:40am - 11am

Lunch time - 12 noon - 1pm

School day ends - 3:10pm


Our assembly timetable is:

Monday Whole School Assembly
Tuesday Singing Assembly
Wednesday Phase 2 assembly (Y4, Y5, Y6
Thursday Phase 1 assembly (Y1, Y2, Y3
Friday - Families welcome Class assembly and Values celebration


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