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At Sandhills, we are committed to teaching sustainability and environmental awareness. We aim to develop opportunities for our children to improve their understanding of the world around them and to foster a climate of sustainability in our community.

Our curriculum explores a range of areas including: energy use and clean energy, water use, waste, litter, biodiversity, the impact of climate change on land and sea, fair trade, global citizenship and the impact of transport on the environment. We also take our learning outside of the classroom. Every year our pupils take part in an annual Bioblitz of our school grounds to explore different habitats on our school site and to record the flora and fauna including wildflowers, cowslips and bee orchids that we have on our doorstep. Our staff continue to develop their understanding of sustainability through professional development. Our current focus is developing our  knowledge of climate change, climate anxiety and how to deliver effective sustainability lessons. As a result of our ongoing work to integrate sustainability into our curriculum, we hold a Green Flag, which has been awarded through the Eco Schools program.

We encourage our pupils to play their part in promoting a culture of sustainability. Each year, ‘Eco Leaders’ are elected to actively participate in a range of projects from energy conservation around school, litter picking to keep our school tidy and fundraising for projects to improve our learning environment. Our current fundraising project is to develop our school pond as a learning space for pupils.

Our sustainability lead is Emma Hunter-Lacey. 

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