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School Council

At Sandhills, we believe it is essential that our children have a voice that is listened to and valued and our School Council is one way of achieving this.

One child is elected to represent their class. Once elected, the school councillors then have a role in “making the school a better place”, to “improve” it, as well as trying to "support others in our community". Our school councillors believe it is essential to “get the children’s opinions… so the teachers know what the children want”, and we agree!

Through regular class discussions, the opinions of all children are listened to. The school councillors take the ideas of their peers to the school council. The School Council has tackled a range of different issues which range from making the school a better place with supporting our pond redevelopment project to organising whole school events and raising money for a range of charities.

Earlier this year, the school council organised and ran a bake sale to support the Bayira Children's Centre and they raised over £200. They have also written to local businesses and received donations towards our school's gardening initiative which has helped to improve our school environment.

Being in the School Council has helped our pupils to understand democracy is, and to demonstrate our own values by  taking Responsibility for representing their class, practising Resilience by organising events, showing Respect to others and our community and building Relationships across our school and wider community.

Sandhills School Council is an active and thriving part of Sandhills and has allowed our pupils to grow and thrive in an environment that they help to shape.

Our School Council lead is: Saf Truman

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